Sunday, September 19, 2010

What's it Worth?

Everything we do in life exacts something of us. Either our time, our money or any number of things. In the book of Genesis, we find a story about two brothers. One legally held the birthright. This meant that everything that was his father's would one day become his. But he sold it. He sold his legal birthright, something that was his simply because he was born first, for a mess of pottage, or something of no value. Similarly, Judas Iscariot sold the Savior's life for 30 pieces of silver, the price of a slave. What we are willing to pay, or give up to obtain something else, is an indication of what it means to us. In contrast, Christ gave up His life, everything He was and is, for us. He suffered the greatest pain any being has ever known, for us. We have been purchased with His blood. That's what we are worth to Him. So, now it is our turn. What is He worth to you? What would you give up the Celestial Kingdom for?

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