And now we come to the promise that is made to us if we promise to remember Him and keep His commandments. When I was a kid, I used to think this was a raw deal. We have to do all that and then all we get is one thing back? But what my underdeveloped sense of God's love could not comprehend was the import of the promise that we will always have His Spirit to be with us.
Other names for the Spirit are Comforter, Holy Ghost, Conscience and Spirit of Truth. Christ Himself said that the Holy Ghost would "teach [us] all things." The Holy Ghost was promised to His followers shortly before His death, because He wanted to assure them that He would still be with them, if not in body. I think about what that must have been like for His disciples, to have Jesus there with them to teach them and wrap them in His arms, and then to have Him tell them He would not always be there. How devastating that must have been! But what a comfort the Holy Ghost must truly have been, to fill the void left by Christ's departure. The Holy Ghost comforts as Christ did, teaches as Christ taught, guides as Christ guided. It is not in God's plan to have Christ on the earth right now, so He gave us Someone to help us feel His love for us now. In essence, the Holy Ghost is our access to God. It is through Him that inspiration is received, love is felt, sins are forgiven, direction perceived and a relationship with God is cultivated. The Holy Ghost is a member of the Godhead, along with our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. God wants to grant us the companionship of a member of the Godhead. Think about what that means for you.
Our relationship with God is based on positive feedback. When we keep the commandments, we receive the Holy Ghost, who helps us make correct choices and continue keeping the commandments. After which, we receive greater witness of our good standing with God and we feel His presence more strongly, through the Holy Ghost. And I testify that the more we feel the influence of the Holy Ghost, the happier we are and the less we feel inclined to berate ourselves or others. We want to be happy, we want to repent of our sins, we want to feel love and the clearer we see the world around us. God directs us in all aspects of our lives. Socially, emotionally, spiritually, physically, academically. When we allow the Holy Ghost to direct our lives, there is not a moment that He cannot help us, not a sadness He does not experience with us and no triumph He does not celebrate on our behalf. That is what it means to have the Holy Ghost with you. It means everything.
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